Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 29 : I never expected...

Today is the first day of our 2 day planning conference here in Taal Vista.

Well, the experience was great. I never thought that I’ll learn more marketing skills in our supply chain planning conference. Actually, I never expect something great will happen, it just came. So this post I will be sharing them all to you.

First, I never expected that I’ll learn a new quote that will help me as an internet marketer. Here’s the equation:

Deliver the results = Gain the Trust = Earn the right to

Actually, this applies to our life. This applies in our work, in our relationships, in our everyday life.


If we manage to deliver the results we gain the trust of our superiors. Gaining their trust will result to us earning our right to provide a strategy to better improve the process.

In my life as an internet marketer, if I manage to continuously provide the things my market (selected niche) wants then I gain their trust, I gain their respect. Once they trusted me, the things I’ll be sharing will be trusted as well thus earning my right to influence their decisions. My voice will now be heard and will be considered.

This agrees to the idea of Social Profit Formula (Don Crowther) that we need to have a ratio of 50 valuable messages to 1 selling message. The 50 messages would make us more or less trustworthy (or should I say an expert) on the selected niche.

Second, I never expected that our company will be gearing towards the new marketing in five years time. With this, I’m excited to apply as a internet marketing of our company. With my passion in blogging and social media, and web 2.0, I know this will be a great learning opportunity for me.

Third, I never expected that I’m still on track for the first popular page I created in facebook. My previous post says that I’m seeing 200 people liking that page on August 1. And I’m very proud to tell you that in just a matter of 2 days, the Godwhispers facebook page already have 69 fans! Woohoo! I never created something like that before. This is the first one. :D

Fourth, I never expected that we will be sending email invites for feast laguna attendees tomorrow. Edel and I are starting to worry about not being able to do our job as media marketing for the Feast Laguna. Lo and behold, when I opened my email, I saw a personalized email from Jon Escoto! Whew! That message save our day!

Lastly, I never expected that God will enable me to share my thoughts to you today. God is really good in providing me everything I need.

Still in awe in God’s amazing power,


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