Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day 42 : I get used to it and I can’t stop

I just developed a habit. For almost 43 days, I’m been writing my thoughts down on this blog. I could not believe that I could not go to sleep without visiting my MS Word to type in my thoughts that occurred for me for that day.

Anyway, just like any addictions, I can’t stop writing my thoughts down. Even though I’m sick, sleepy, tired or bored – I just can’t help myself but to right my thoughts down.
This is one accomplishment that I don’t think I can do before. It is happening right in front of my eyes. I’m writing one article per day, imagine that.

Anyway, there’s another thing I want to become part of my daily routine just like what I’m doing. It is constantly exercising and building my muscles to the next level. I’ll exercise daily. I’ll do my sit-ups, push-ups and breathing exercises every morning as I wake up. I planned this before but it didn’t materialize after a couple of days.
My goal here is to build a strong and healthy body because I know I have a strong mind already.

If I was able to write on this blog daily), I can exercise everyday as well.

Why am I doing this?

After the series of events that occurred for the past couple of days, I really need to step up and to be strong. I want to be a good protector of my loved ones. And I’m claiming that.

I’ll get used to it and I will not stop.

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